Have you ever wondered what questions to ask your financial advisor, or why those questions are crucial? In today’s episode, we’re tackling exactly that. We're discussing the vital questions that bring transparency and depth to your financial advisory relationship.
It's about getting clarity on how advisors work, what they specialize in, and how they align with your financial goals. These are the questions you MUST ask your financial advisor.
Be sure to stay tuned for the end of the episode, where Frank shares one thing that makes his day better. For this week’s listener question, Jenny asks for advice on whether to prioritize saving more for retirement or use her recent raise to pay extra on her mortgage.
Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:
0:00 – Intro
3:11 – How do you get paid?
4:31 – Typical client
6:33 – Investment philosophy
9:16 – Strengths and specialties
11:01 – Communication style
13:18 – Educational resources
14:29 – Emergency procedures
16:11 – Who will I work with?
19:53 – Getting to know Frank
23:48 – Listener question
Learn more about the T.I.M.E. planning process by clicking here.
You can also schedule a free planning session with Frank Oliver and the team by clicking here.
Advisory services offered through CreativeOne Wealth, LLC a Registered Investment Adviser. CreativeOne Wealth, LLC and Oliver Asset Management are unaffiliated entities.
Licensed Insurance Professional. Respond and learn how financial products, including life insurance and annuities can be used in various planning strategies for retirement. The information contained herein is based on our understanding of current tax law. The tax and legislative information may be subject to change and different interpretations. We recommend that you seek professional tax advice for applicability to your personal situation.
*Testimonials are based on unique experiences from current clients and are not representative of all client experiences. Testimonials are unsolicited and clients received no compensation (cash or non-cash). Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Testimonials are encouraged and welcomed from all prospects and clients. Investment advisory services offered through CreativeOne Wealth, LLC, a registered investment advisor. CreativeOne Wealth is not affiliated with Oliver Asset Management. Additional information about CreativeOne Wealth, LLC is available in its current disclosure documents, Form ADV, Form ADV Part 2A Brochure, and Client Relationship Summary report which are accessible online via the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure (IAPD) database at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov, using CRD #281213.
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